
pip3 install --user -U running-ng

The base configuration files can be usually be found in paths like ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/running/config/base. The exact path might differ depending on your Python version, etc.

Adding running to PATH

You will need to add the folder where running is installed to your PATH. On a typical Linux installation, running is installed to ~/.local/bin.

You will need to refer to the documentation of the shell you are using.

Here is an example for bash.

# Add the following to ~/.bashrc

You don't need to use export. Generally, $PATH already exists and is exported to child processes.

Please check whether your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile sources ~/.bashrc. If not, when you use a login shell (e.g., in the case of tmux), the content of ~/.bashrc might not be applied.

To ensure ~/.bashrc is always sourced, you can add the following to ~/.bash_profile.

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
  . ~/.bashrc

If you are a moma user, please change these dotfiles on squirrel.moma, and then run sudo /moma-admin/config/ Note that you should run this command using a SSH session on a standard terminal instead of using the integrated terminal in VSCode Remote. Please check here for how to setup a UNIX password for sudo.